Monday, October 31, 2011

An Author's Craft.

Literary minds, creatively obsessed dreamers. The inner workings of an author don’t really thread commonly among the best of them, do they? Each is a unique mind, unique in their perceptions of life, their purpose for words and their expression of thoughts. They’re quite intriguing if you ask me. The connection between a writer and their work is so much more than that of a reader. Sure the appreciation and understanding may be there, but an author injects their unique spirit amongst their characters and paints each detail with an ambition to express even an utterance of their deepest insights. The greatest of them are so beloved because they create a world filled with unexpected details, much like life itself. I admittedly adore children’s literature, simple in the most obvious ways yet daringly complex upon deeper thought. Similarly I love the details concealed within more complex literature, the meanings are open-ended and the perceptions are endless. The construction of the best characters is almost flawlessly detailed to echo qualities of a unique individual, rarely following suit around a cliché. It’s almost as if the writer’s authority over the character’s moral decisions ceases at the creation of the character. Thereafter, the character’s judgement is governed by the details of their creation, or so all the best authors acknowledge.

Stay Peachy.

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