Thursday, November 3, 2011

Vicarious Readings of Summer

When I was little, I would spend my summers huddled away in the back room of my house organizing every book and magazine I could get my little hands on into a neat and tidy library in our book shelf. I knew every book we had and should anyone wish to borrow a book from the shelf I made sure it went back into my tidy little order. How controlling I was. Nowadays, my summer book fetish has dwindled down over the years to a list of books and magazines I desired to get my hands on, in hopes of sitting somewhere huddled in the sun - pretending I could tan - and reading vicariously about the lives of such interesting characters.

I must tell you, I am a slow reader. Normally these lists - while intended to occupy just my summer break - end up being hoarded to next years list alongside a fresh batch of new books. This year's list has been gathered from all aspects of my life ranging from; recommendations from literature teachers, to books I picked up for the sake of buying a book for such a cheap price. Some of them even surprise myself, but I find the most interesting thing to read is a situation completely foreign to me, an experience I have never known. The only way I find to do that is to pick the books airing away from Jodi Picoult and Jane Austen, and towards the fiction writing of twisted minds. So without further delay, I give you my Vicarious Readings of Summer 2011...

Pretties - Scott Westerfield

The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

Perfume - Patrick Suskind

The Girl Who Played With Fire - Stieg Larsson

Far To Go - Alison Pick

Sing You Home - Jodi Picoult

Stay Peachy.

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