Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Frame your Favourite Piece of Art.

Books are meant to be read and to be worn down to imperfection. It fills them with character and it embelishes its well loved pages. The books on my own shelf are colour co-ordinated I must admit. Each of them are shown off in their own individually beautiful way.

As people, we take pride in showing off our memories, our loved ones and our own history to the world through picture frames and photo albums. Why not give the same pride to our favourite works of literary art? Sounds odd, I know. Until I found the book lovers book frame from The Gift Corner website. I know it seems redundant to some, but imagine a row a books in their dusty little frames telling the world in their proud little way how they're loved. This is just one of the things I can't resist, the perfect gift for anyone so proud of their books that they've colour co-ordinated them all along their bookshelves. So proud that they embellish them as one would a cherished old memory.

Just thought I'd share it with you.

Stay Peachy.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mark it, with Iszle.

Ok, so I have a litte weakness for all things pretty. But proper pretty bookmarks have never truly been my thing. Whist the corners of my beautiful pages have never been bent into utter ruin, I do have a tendency to find peculiar items to mark my page. Countless receipts, gum wrappers and bus cards that find their way onto my bedside table fall victim to my laziness in getting out of bed to find a bookmark and are therefore squashed between the pages of my most recent book. Admittedly, I have been lazy enough to stuff hundreds of dollars worth of birthday money into a book I didn't open again until months later, simply because it was the closest thing I could find. That was a good day.

The reason I bring up this little weakness of mine is simply to show you the most adorable little must-haves that happen to be the only bookmarks I would purchase, should it come to such measures. The scrabble tile bookmark/paperclip by Iszle can be found on my most recent internet love, made For $6.50 each these little tiles will brighten up any book and add a little snaz to your collections (yes I just made up a word).

Find it, on

Other things I found on

SWEET TOOF Journals (follow this link)

"Dear" Journal / Notebook by Anrol Designs (follow this link)

Stay Peachy.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Clothbound Classics: by Penguin

Who doesn't love a good Penguin Classic?

The world owes Penguin Publishing a massive kiss and cuddle for their adorkable editions to the Clothbound Classics range. In my opinion, Penguin not only provides the most insightful bundles of classical literature, but they also consistently coat them in matching covers to add class and a little colorful order to everyone's shelf.

The 29-book set includes the divine storytelling of Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Homer and many more. Each hardback cover was uniquely designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith who continuously designs masterpiece covers for a range of Penguin novels, here's a few to drool over..

Penguin's Clothbund Classic's range found at the Penguin Books Website.

F. Scott Fitzgerald Series featured on the Penguin Books Website.

Penguin Poems for Love, selected by Laura Barber. Found on the Penguin Books Website.

The Penguin Books of Irish Poetry, found at the Penguin Books Website.

The Sherlock Holmes Collection by Conan Doyle, found at the Penguin Books Website.

The Great Food Collection, by various authors found at the Penguin Books Website.

Each of these is also featured on the Coralie Bickford-Smith website among many others at

Enjoy Lovelies.
Stay Peachy.